

 Please enjoy my snaps and little stories. Hope you have a nice stay!

My Top 5 Preps for a Long Flight

My Top 5 Preps for a Long Flight

International flights can be taxing, no not just taxiing on the tarmac, which is a tease itself. I am speaking of exhaustion.  How can one feel so exhausted from sitting in one small designated space for 10 hours? Doesn’t sound half bad until you equate for time zone crossovers, a sore booty, a sense of confinement, and lack of circulation. So, to make the journey less exhausting, there are five things I do to help me handle a long flight:

Work it out! Before boarding, whether on the day before or the morning of travel, I love to workout. I go so hard that I’m sore and exhausted for the long flight ahead. If I am going to be seated for hours, I might as well feel as though there is no place else I’d rather be. It is a mental prep as well as a physical one.

Eat a clean meal. Of course a key part of visiting another place is to experience and truly enjoy the cuisine they’re known for. I try to get as many vegetables as I can before a trip. Case and point, during one of my visits to Ireland, the last day arrived and my body was screaming for greens!! All I wanted was a quick salad from the grocery store. As I walked around with a bag of lettuce in hand, I couldn’t find any salad dressing.  I asked and all the clerk could find me was....mayo. Priorities were different. And that’s OK! I left that Lidl with a bag of carrots just thankful to see life lived - even if it was differently. 

Wash your hair. I don’t know about you, but when I land somewhere the adventure should begin immediately.  I don’t want to be stuck at the hotel making myself presentable.  I strongly believe that if you decide to take a trip somewhere, you should see as much as you can and look good doing it!

Moisturize. Keep your toiletries nearby. While sitting in a plane can seem to suck the life out of you, air in the cabin can actually suck the moisture out of you. It’s important to keep your toiletries close, so that after take off, you can grab the bag and head to the lavatory. Wipe off makeup, cleanse your face, and apply moisturizer. Your next-day self will thank you.

Eye mask is life! When I sleep, I do not want one single beam of light disturbing me. Remedy? An eye mask. I love this one in particular because it doesn’t smash my eyelashes!

Those are the top 5 things I do to feel more rested and ready to explore when I arrive at my destination.  Safe flights, y’all!

Délicieux Parisian Eats

Délicieux Parisian Eats

The Constant State of Next

The Constant State of Next